
High School Finals

  • THO the narrative 'You Live Life Only Once"
  • Grand Final

  • THP a world where religious beliefs and teachings are passed down textually (e.g. scripture, doctrine) instead of verbally and symbolically (e.g., songs, dances, oral traditions)
  • Semifinals

  • THS a pause in Generative AI
  • Round 4

  • THBT the environmental movement should deploy a tactic of shaming individuals that opt into unsustainable practices (e.g., not recycling, not sorting garbage)
  • Round 3

  • THBT China's increasing presence (e.g., economic investment, military presence, political ties) over Southeast Asia is in the interest of ASEAN
  • Round 2

  • Assuming it can be accurately measured, THBT the presence of guilt should be a mitigating circumstance (i.e., a basis for decreasing punishment) and the lack of it an aggravating circumstance (i.e., a basis for increasing punishment) in criminal sentencing
  • Round 1

  • THBT government should recognize traditional medicine and integrate it into their national health system (e.g., creating regulation on development & distribution, offering it in state hospitals, integrating it into existing insurance packages)